Empowering Individuals Everyday.

Support that leads to self-sufficiency.


At Positive Intervention Services, providing care is at the heart of everything we do. Our passionate mental health care providers are backed by accredited, evidence-based, and innovative therapeutic services and education for children, adults as well as the families that care for them.

Dedicated To Your Care

Intensive In-Home

Positive Intervention Services is a Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) licensed provider of Intensive In-Home services. Our team of compassionate, talented mental health professionals help children and adolescents up to age 21 with emotional, behavioral, and mental health issues.


Mental Health Skill-Building

Positive Intervention Services is a DBHDS licensed provider of Mental Health Skill Building services. We help adults who are experiencing emotional, behavioral, and mental health challenges which result in significant functional impairments in major life activities and make it hard for them to live independently. These individuals demonstrate clinical necessity for our services and require individualized training to self-manage in the home.


Residential Group Home

Residential Group Home Services include a community and center-based day support program tailored for individuals with disabilities. This program empowers our individuals to achieve their desired quality of life through person-centered planning and positive behavioral support. We focus on creating an environment that promotes health and safety, while challenging our individuals to build new life skills and job skills and become active community members.

COVID-19 Safety Precautions

Proper precautions and measures are taken during each and every interaction

Our Affiliates